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Discover The Fascinating History Of Ethereum

Discover the Fascinating History of Ethereum

From Genesis to the Merge

Get ready for an enthralling journey through the timeline of Ethereum, the groundbreaking blockchain platform that has revolutionized the world of finance and technology. From its humble beginnings in 2015 to the recent Merge, we'll delve into the key milestones that have shaped Ethereum's story.

Key Points

  • Ethereum's genesis block was created on July 30, 2015.
  • The Merge, completed on September 15, 2022, transitioned Ethereum to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
  • Ethereum has experienced significant price fluctuations over the years, with highs of over $4,800 and lows of under $100.

Join us as we explore the evolution of Ethereum, the challenges it has faced, and its potential to continue shaping the future of the digital world.
